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Red Ramp
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Plant Database Screen
September 17, 2024 at 3:43:45 PM
Last Updated:​
BCWPA Case Number:
Information on this organism has been made available to the public by the BCWPA.
Red Ramp
Red ramps are a rare species of wild onion with a strong, onion-like flavor and garlic-like scent; its scarcity is caused by over-harvesting during the 17th-century smallpox outbreak. The smell of one of these vegetables cooking in a skillet is said to draw the attention of nearby bigfoot. Red ramps are very nutritious, can heal any ailment, and prevent disease.
Wild red ramps can be found in the eastern United States and eastern Canada. More specifically, the plant grows best in shady, damp, deciduous forests with rich soil. For Americans attempting to grow them in a shade structure, they grow most favorably in zones 3 - 8.
Physical Traits and Growth Requirements
Light green leaves with a smooth, broad surface breaks through the ground as soon as snow melts in the spring; unlike allium tricoccum (common ramps), the leaves’ stems are a bright red instead of a deep purple. The stem thickens farther down the plant, pales in color, and resembles a scallion; common ramps have a bright white bulb with pale…