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Muddy Man
Organism Database Screen
January 1, 2025 at 11:39:24 PM
Last Updated:​
BCWPA Case Number:
Information on this organism has been made available to the public by the BCWPA.
Muddy Man
Muddy Men are spawned by the unceremonious burial or hiding of a corpse near water. Unnatural beings, they are made of the wet earth they were laid to rest in and the rotting flesh of their remains - produced by Nature's wiles.
Four-legged, nocturnal beasts, they hide beneath the earth until the sun is out of view. Fueled by immense sorrow and anger, they are pushed to the surface where they plague and punish the living. While they may cause pain by fang and claw, they cannot swallow, as their throats are sealed with dirt. The squelch of mud against sticky palms and feet can be heard on the banks of any water source. The pained, wet moan of their kind resounds on quiet nights.
Muddy Men's forms are like that of a hunched man; they have two sharp teeth that jut from their jaw, swollen, cadaverous eyes, and a torso bloated with death. They are coated in a foul, slimy mire that stinks of decay.
Preserved by bog, the beasts are…