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November 1, 2024 at 3:18:43 PM
Last Updated:
BCWPA Case Number:
Information on this organism has been made available to the public by the BCWPA.
AKA: Flying Men of Cabwaylingo
A winged, humanoid creature from the Appalachian region, Pipisanguisuge sleeps in the cool depths of caves during the day, and sucks the blood of unlucky victims at night. This dangerous species of large bat is most numerous in the plateaus of Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia. They settle in secluded areas with large food supplies, migrating to a new area if prey becomes scarce. In 2018, there were multiple reports of these ominous, dark forms flying high in the evening skies of Cabwaylingo State Forest.
Pipisanguisuges are smaller than an average human-ranging between 3 to 3.5 ft tall and 30 to 45 lbs-but have a massive, 10 ft wingspan. The creatures have muscular, squat, human-like legs and are completely covered in a curly coat of black fur; their arms are lanky and three times the length of their legs, with a thin, leathery membrane connecting the wrists to the spine. Their torsos are also thin and boney, with vertebrae and rib cages noticeably pronounced. They can nimbly…