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Storm Snapper
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Storm Snappers are a species of freshwater, snapping turtle characterized by horned faces and vicious bites. Males (also known as triceraturtles) have an additional, pointy growth on their nose that is reminiscent of a triceratops’; both sexes have two long, pointed horns just behind the eye and on top of the forehead. These pale gray, bony formations are used for defense, offense, and mating rituals, only ceasing to grow when the turtle dies. Storm Snapper shells are a deep brown ridged by lighter brown swirls and vertical striations on the rim. The turtle’s four feet are stubbed in nails the same pale gray as their horns and are used to dig nests; the bumpy growths on its tail are also the same color and texture. Like most turtles, its wrinkled skin is green-brown with a lighter-toned underside. Storm Snappers have a round, puggish nose in front of small, circular eyes—black, flecked with yellow and green. Out of the water, they have combative stances and stretchy, flexible necks, which end in a beak-like…
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