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Big·foot noun | plural: Bigfeet a large, hairy, apelike creature whose appearance and movements resemble that of a human’s and is supposedly found in North America; named for the size of its footprints. Also known as “Sasquatch”.
Bigfeet are hairy, humanoid primates that travel on two legs. Most species are believed to have an acute sense of smell and an omnivorous diet; moreover, they are often depicted with small heads, long, clumsy fingers, and small, squinted eyes. The North American beasts are most known for their walking posture: crouching while swinging their arms in a broad arc as they take wide, bounding strides. Bigfeet are known to appear throughout all of North America but are concentrated in certain regions of the United States: the Pacific, especially along the coastline; the Appalachian region; the Midwest’s eastern half; Florida; northern Texas. Sightings are also numerous throughout the South and Northeast.