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Cigars, Cylinders, & Boxes
In the Field
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Cigar or box crafts are the fourth most seen UFO in North America. They are described as silent, very slow-moving, shiny, silver or white objects that hover up to 1000 ft in the air; some have circular or bar-shaped lights that display a variety of pulsating or steady colors: red, orange, yellow, and white. They are seen both during the day and at night, sometimes moving horizontally or vertically in straight lines. Large types of these UFOs have been seen dispersing or dividing into several smaller cigar, diamond, or egg-shaped crafts; these break- offs are believed to be surveillance crafts, individual extraterrestrials landing on Earth, or small resource gathering crafts. The Grinning Men and Vegetable Men are said to fly vertical box and cigar UFOs. These types of aircraft are also associated with time jumping; occasionally, when these vehicles fly over residents, they experience a fast-forwarding or pause in time— gaining or losing between a few minutes to a few hours. Some believe that these crafts transport large numbers of lifeforms or quantities of objects/materials; they also believe that their craft’s planet-hopping technology teleports those nearby backward and forwards in time, while also dazing them.
UFO Guidebook |
Tri-Light, Diagonal Light Groups, and Triangular Crafts |
Tops & Cones |
Eggs, Fireballs, Tears, & Orb-Like Crafts/Formations |
Flat and Round Discs |
Diamonds |
Crosses |
Cigars, Cylinders, & Boxes |
Chevrons & Crescents |