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Laced Goldenwing
Organism Database Screen
November 1, 2024 at 3:18:43 PM
Last Updated:​
BCWPA Case Number:
Information on this organism has been made available to the public by the BCWPA.
Laced Goldenwing
Goldenwings are a species of dragonfly with white bodies covered in brown spots, clear wings with gold patterning, and shiny, dark blue eyes; females also have brown bellies and legs. The insect’s name derives from their appearance, which looks similar to a crocheted, lace doily on a wooden table. Laced Goldenwings live near ponds, lakes, and slow-moving creeks and rivers within forests. In the sunlight, they are easy to spot due to their shimmering, gold-flecked bodies. These dragonflies are most active in the summer during mating season. In July, thirty seconds after coupling takes place, females disperse their eggs. Flying over the water, they look for suitable plants to lay on; if none are to their liking, the dragonflies dip into the water and allow their eggs to drift to the bottom. White nymphs (not to be confused with the fae kind, but an immature insect) hatch after three weeks; wingless and minuscule, they have growth-like nubs on their backs and oversized eyes, appearing as an aquatic version of their forefathers. Laced…