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Spirit of the Forest
Organism Database Screen
January 2, 2025 at 2:47:54 PM
Last Updated:​
BCWPA Case Number:
Information on this organism has been made available to the public by the BCWPA.
Spirit of the Forest
The Spirit of the Forest is a shapeshifting, bear duidae that defends forests from destructio — whether it be from natural disasters or the activities of organisms. These beings quench out of control blazes, scare off or kill those that consume too many resources, purify woodlands of disease and pestilence, and protect all fae that live within their bounds. If many animals are endangered after particularly destructive events, the Spirit of the Forest will shuffle through several forms, casting much-needed spells; digging in the dirt, touching its snout to the ground, stepping in place, running in circles, snorting, and leaping in zigzagging motions are a few movements included in these magical rituals. Spells may include: creating lakes or rivers in times of drought, restoring trees to house and feed animals, opening caves for creatures to hide within, bringing forth fruit-bearing foliage, and other, nature-oriented spells. The Spirit of the Forest is also said to be responsible for the creation of several chimeric animals, who aid the beast in a variety of ways.