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Vegetable Man
Organism Database Screen
November 1, 2024 at 3:18:43 PM
Last Updated:
BCWPA Case Number:
Information on this organism has been made available to the public by the BCWPA.
Vegetable Man
Fairmont, WV
Jennings Frederick was bow hunting just outside of the city in the woods when he heard a strange sound—a high-pitched, screeching, jabbering noise that reminded him of a record player running faster than it was supposed to. Cautiously, he followed the cry, bringing into view a sickly, weak-looking, pale green creature bobbing on the ground. The being was over seven ft tall, with a thin, stick-like, but semi-human-shaped body; on its oblong head was a pair of wide, leaf-ish ears, several spindly, fleshy whiskers, and two large, bulging eyes that flickered between red and yellow quickly. The long, reedy arms it held to its chest had three slender fingers each; on top, fleshy, upside-down cups sat tipped with needle-like thorns. A thick, gnarled base held the being up with legs that bowed from the trunk and toes that squiggled and looked like roots.
The creature turned and noticed the man scrutinizing him. Its jabbering increased and Jennings heard a loud voice, though he saw no mouth on the entity;…